Welcome to Q&Q

Ask not: What is the right answer?

But perhaps: Is there a more interesting question here?

Is it possible to change the world by changing the questions we ask? I think so. A good question can open up a new line of thought (and a set of new questions). And those thoughts can lead to actions and habits and character formation. And our actions and habits and character can lead to new relationships between people and within our communities and cultures and ecosystems.  And this can help to change the world.

I’ve come to the conclusion that, actually, finding the right forms of language has real effects in the world. It changes conversations, which changes cultures, which changes practices. —Jonathan Rowson
Some of the questions we ask lead to dead ends or to answers that that prove harmful.  They are the wrong questions; ASK NOT.  But once we change the questions, we can’t predict where those new questions will lead.  So play with the new ones, we experiment, not taking them too seriously; BUT PERHAPS.

Yes, the road to changing the world is often paved with moments of comic absurdity.  —Chade-Meng Tan

Ask not: What discovery will change the world?
But perhaps: What experiment will change the world?